Διεθνείς Ενώσεις:
- International Mathematical Union (IMU)
- International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM)
- Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM)
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics (FoCM)
- International Association of Mathematical Physics (IAMP)
- International Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR)
- International Statistical Institute (ISI)
- Kurt Gödel Society
- Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS)
- Ramanujan Mathematical Society (RMS)
- Young Mathematicians Network
Εθνικές Ενώσεις:
- Albanian Mathematical Association
- Algerian Mathematical Society/Société Mathématique d’Algérie
- Associación Argentina de Matemática Aplicada Computacional e Industrial (ASAMACI)
- Unión Matématica Argentina (UMA)
- Armenian Mathematical Union
- Australia and New Zealand and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM)
- Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS)
- Statistical Society of Australia Inc. (SSAI)
- Austrian Mathematical Society/Österreichische Mathematische Gesellschaft (ÖMG)
- Belarusian Mathematical Society
- Belgian Mathematical Society (BMS)
- Bosnian Mathematical Society
- Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática (SBM)
- Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SBMAC)
- Bulgarian Mathematical Society
- Bulgarian Statistical Society
- Cambodian Mathematical Society
- Société Mathématique du Cameroun (SMC)
- Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS)
- Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM)
- Statistical Society of Canada (SSC)
- Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS)
- Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (SCM)
- Sociedad Matemática de Chile (SOMACHI)
- Chinese Mathematical Society
- China Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Chinese Society for Computational Mathematics (CSCM)
- The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China
- Sociedad Colombiana de Matemáticas
- Croatian Mathematical Society
- Cyprus Mathematical Society
- Czech Mathematical Society
- Union of Czech Mathematicians & Physicists
- Danish Mathematical Society/Dansk Matematisk Forening (DMF)
- Dorna Macedonia Mathematical Society
- Dutch Royal Mathematical Society/Koninlijk Wiskundig Genootschap
- Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Matemática (SEdeM)
- Estonian Mathematical Society
- Estonian Statistical Society
- Finnish Mathematical Society
- Finnish Statistical Society
- Société Mathématique de France (SMF)
- Société des Mathématiques Appliquées & Industrielles (SMAI) (France)
- Société Française de Statistique (SFdS)
- Gabon Mathematical Society/Société Mathématique du Gabon (SMG)
- Georgian Mathematical Union
- German Mathematical Society/Deutsche Mathematiker Vereinigung (DMV)
- International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
- Society of Didactics of Mathematics/Gesellschaftfür Didaktik der Mathematik (GDM)
- Hellenic Mathematical Society
- The Hong Kong Mathematical Society
- János Bolyai Mathematical Society (Hungary)
- Icelandic Mathematical Society
- Indian Mathematical Society (IMS)
- Indian Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics
- Indonesian Mathematical Society (IndoMS)
- Iranian Mathematical Society
- Irish Mathematical Society
- Israel Mathematical Union (IMU)
- Associazione Italiana Ricerca Operativa (AIRO)
- Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI)
- Società Italiana di Matematica Applicata e Industriale (SIMAI)
- Société Mathématique de Côte d’Ivoire
- International Society for Mathematical Sciences (ISMS) (Japan)
- Japan Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (JSIAM)
- Mathematical Society of Japan
- Mathematics Association of Kenya (MAK)
- Latvian Mathematical Society
- Lithuanian Mathematical Society
- Luxembourg Mathematical Society/Société Mathématique du Luxembourg (SML)
- Malagasy Mathematical Society
- Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
- Mexican Mathematical Society/Sociedad Matemática Mexicana (SMM)
- Mathematical Society of the Republic of Moldova
- Society of Mathematicians and Physicists of Montenegro
- Mathematical Society of Myanmar
- Nepal Mathematical Society (NMS)
- Dutch Royal Mathematical Society/Koninlijk Wiskundig Genootschap (Netherland)
- Australia and New Zealand and Applied Mathematics (ANZIAM)
- New Zealand Mathematical Society (NZMS)
- Mathematical Association of Nigeria
- Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS)
- Norwegian Mathematical Society
- Pakistan Mathematical Society
- Papua New Guinea Mathematical Society (PNGMS)
- Sociedad Matemátixa Paraguaya (SMP)
- Sociedad Peruana de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional (SPMAC)
- Mathematical Society of the Philippines
- Polish Mathematical Society
- Portuguese Mathematical Society/Sociedad Portuguesa de Matemática (SPM)
- Romanian Mathematical Society
- Romanian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ROMAI)
- Moscow Mathematical Society
- St. Petersburg Mathematical Society
- Serbian Mathematical Society
- Singapore Mathematical Society
- Union of Slovak Mathematicians & Physicists
- Mathematics, Physics and Astronomy Society of Slovenia/Drustvo Matematikov, Fisikov in Astronomov Slovenije (DMFA)
- South African Mathematical Society (SAMS)
- Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA)
- Korean Mathematical Society (KMS)
- Korean Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (KSIAM)
- Korean Statistical Society (KSS)
- Real Sociedad Matemática Española (RSME)
- Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques (SCM)
- Sociedad de Estadística e Ivestigación Operativa (SEIO) (Spain)
- Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada (SEMA)
- Swedish Mathematical Society
- Swiss Mathematical Society
- Swiss Statistical Society
- Mathematical Association of Tanzania (MAT)
- Mathematical Association of Thailand
- Société Mathématique de Tunisie
- Turkish Mathematical Society/Turk Matematik Dernegi
- Ukrainian Mathematical Society
- Edinburgh Mathematical Society (UK)
- Institute for Mathematics & Applications (IMA) (UK)
- London Mathematical Society (LMS) (UK)
- Royal Statistical Society (RSS) (UK)
- American Mathematical Society (AMS) (USA)
- American Statistical Association (ASA) (USA)
- Mathematical Association of America (MAA) (USA)
- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) (USA)
- Sociedad Uruguaya de Matemática y Estadística (SUME)
- Asociación Matemática Venezolana (AMV)
- Vietnam Mathematical Society
- Vietnamese Society for Applications of Mathematics